Move from local servers to cloud computing

This HR consultancy firm were using their own server hardware in multiple offices and wanted to take advantage of the cost savings associated with removing all of their internal servers and utilising cloud providers instead.

After consulting with the client, we moved their file services to Dropbox. This gave each user access to the files that they needed, whether online or offline, with local synchronisation. Due to the fact that Dropbox is so widely used and understood, it also enabled significantly easier sharing of data to and from their clients.

We moved their email from a local server running Alt-n MDaemon email software to Google G-Suite (Google Apps as it was then). All of the users’ historical emails were migrated to Google over one weekend, giving the users a swift changeover from the old to the new system. Since moving to G-Suite in 2011, the consultants have had rapid, trouble-free access to their email from anywhere, on any device.

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